The purposes of the Maryland FFA Foundation, Inc. are:

To promote the educational development of members and advisors of the FFA organization conducted as an integral part of agricultural education programs, approved by the Maryland State Department of Education, Division of Career and College Readiness, in the public secondary and post-secondary schools of Maryland.

To publish and disseminate information useful in assisting and otherwise participating in the development and execution of programs that provide encouragement and improvement of FFA chapters and programs in the Maryland FFA Association, Inc.

To promote and stimulate interest in leadership development among members and advisors of the FFA at the local, regional, and state levels.

To provide incentive and recognition to deserving FFA members and FFA advisors who have achieved distinction in agricultural education and FFA activities, and to administer, direct or supervise granting of same. The Maryland FFA Foundation will work through the Maryland FFA Association, Inc. when sponsoring and/or funding all activities for members and advisors of the Maryland FFA Association, Inc.

To receive by gift, devise, bequest, or otherwise to acquire, take and hold, any money or property, real personal or mixed, to be used, either the principal or the income therefrom, for the furtherance of any of its corporate purposes; and to lease, pledge, mortgage, assign, transfer, sell, convey and dispose of any such property, and to invest and reinvest the principal thereof.

To receive any property, real, personal, or mixed, in trust, under the terms of any will, assignment, bill of sale, deed, conveyance, instrument of trust or other instrument, for its corporate purposes of any of them, and not for any other purpose, and in administering the same to carry out the directions and exercise the powers contained in the instrument under which the property is received, including the expenditure of the principal, as well as the income for one or more such purposes, as authorized or directed in the instrument under which it was received.

To conduct all acts and things necessary, convenient, and expedient to carry out the purposes of the Maryland FFA Foundation, Inc.
Many Thanks To Our Great Sponsors