The FFA offers numerous opportunities for members to develop their potential for premier leadership, personal growth, and career success. Participation in Career Development Events (CDEs), Leadership Development Events (LDEs) and sponsored activities greatly adds to this potential. The following is a list of both state and national sponsored CDEs/LDEs and activities.
Please reach out to us if you would like to consider sponsoring one or more of these upcoming events.

Spring Judging Career Development Events
Test: Agronomic sciences through scenarios, identify seeds, insects, soil, crops, and other management practices.
Ag Mechanics
Written test, team activity, and hands on tasks with energy environmental, machinery, and structural systems.
Farm Business Management
Written test covering topics in agribusiness, economics, record analysis, and risk management, with a team activity.
Students will complete a written test, plant and equipment identification, practicums floral arrangements, job resume, and a team activity within the floral industry.
Food Science
Covers knowledge of food science, safety, sanitation, written test, practicum, and team activity.
Identify vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, insects, diseases (indoor and outdoor plants) and evaluate vegetables and fruits.
Meat Evaluation
Students compete in a written test, practicums to identify meat cuts, quality, and grading.
Milk Quality
Written exam on milk production/marketing, evaluating milk samples, cheeses, equipment, and non-dairy products.
Nursery/ Landscape
Test in nursery practices and landscaping, team activity, practicum on plant ID, pathogens, and problem-solving activities.
Veterinary Science
Students compete in a written test, practicums in identification of equipment, clinical procedures, handling, and restraint within the veterinary industry.
State Convention Career Development Events
Agricultural Communication
A team of 3 present their marketing plan, submit a portfolio prior to event. Each member will complete a practicum within agriculture communications.
Agricultural Issues
A team of 3-7 students present their views on a current agricultural issue. A portfolio must be submitted prior to the event demonstrating community presentations.
Agricultural Knowledge Bowl
This is a quiz bowl to test competing teams’ knowledge of agriculture, using buzzers.
Agricultural Sales
Students will conduct a team presentation, individual sales call, and written test.
Creed Speaking
First year member, 7-9th grade, recite the FFA Creed, answer critical thinking questions.
Environmental Natural Resources
Students will perform decision making and problem-solving skills in the areas of environment and natural resources, written test, team activity, and practicums.
Extemporaneous Public Speaking
Students select one from three agriculturally related topics, write a 4–6-minute speech, given 30 min. to prepare, answer questions, top 4 advance to final round.
FFA Knowledge
Students will take a written exam on the FFA organization, policies, history, parliamentary procedure, and current topics, then solve a team activity.
Tree and equipment identification, timber cruising, compass/pacing, chainsaw operation, general knowledge exam, and a team activity to a forestry issue.
Horticulture Knowledge Bowl
This is a quiz bowl to test competing teams’ knowledge of horticulture, using buzzers.
Job Interview
Students will be interviewed by judges, and submit an application, cover letter and resume.
Marketing Plan
A team of 3 present their marketing plan for an existing or start up agribusiness and answer questions from the judges. A portfolio must be submitted prior to the event.
Parliamentary Procedure
Conduct a 10 minute meeting using designated motions, answer questions, written test.
Prepared Public Speaking
Students present a 6–8 minute speech on a topic of their choice related to agriculture and answer questions related to their topic, top 4 advance to the final round.
Individuals or groups may perform on stage, based on originality, stage presence, power of expression, general effect, and appropriateness for audience.
Single Day Career Development Events
Land Judging
Cecil County- Evaluate soil sites and profiles, recommend proper use, management of soils.
Agriscience Fair- UMCP- ANSC Build.
Conduct scientific research projects in 6 categories within 4 divisions in grades 7-12, and present findings with a display and report.
Horse Evaluation- UMCP
Evaluate the conformation and performance of horses, with a team activity, and 2 sets of oral reasons.
Dairy Handling- Wash. Co. Ag Expo
Students demonstrate their skills in properly handling dairy animals during the Dairy Evaluation CDE.
Dairy Evaluation- Wash. Co. Ag Expo
Evaluate the conformation of various breeds of dairy cattle, with a team activity, and 3 to 4 sets of oral reasons.
Livestock Evaluation- Wash. Co. Ag Expo
Evaluate the conformation of beef, sheep, swine, and goats with a team activity, and 3 to 4 sets of oral reasons.
Poultry Evaluation- Wash. Co. Ag Expo
Identify quality and grading of poultry products, evaluate live birds, 2 sets of reasons and a written test.
Tractor Operators
Students demonstrate their skills in driving a tractor through a 2 and 4 wheel course, and a troubleshooting practicum.
Many Thanks To Our Great Sponsors